Saturday, May 30, 2009

the energizer bunny

Do you remember the energizer bunny commercial where the little pink bunny kept, "going and going?" Well that's what labor has been like so far. That's right folks...I'm STILL in labor. ARGH!!!

I thought I might be in labor yesterday morning, and by 2:00, I was sure I was. Yesterday afternoon, contractions got stronger and closer together and by midnight they were 3 and a half minutes apart, I was nauseous and shaky. All really good signs that I was progressing and we might need to head to the hospital.

But then we got to the hospital around 1:30 and my contractions went haywire. They were anywhere from a minute and a half apart to seven minutes apart, and I wasn't dilated yet. But I was almost totally effaced which the nurse assured me as common with first babies. But, double ARGH!! Thankfully they let me come home where I was much more comfortable and advised I tried to rest as much as possible. I caught a few snippets of sleep between contractions, but thankfully mom and Scott could sleep until about 7:00 this morning, but we are all pooped out.

By the time I got up this morning, my contractions had slowed even more and they have ranged from 5 minutes apart to 25 minutes apart through the day. So, all that to say, I'm still in labor; 27 hours of it so far in fact. We'll keep you posted...

Friday, May 29, 2009

banner week

Well, the next few days may turn out to be a banner week for the us.  Scott should be a newly commissioned Officer by this time next week and the family may be plus one by this time tomorrow.  That's right, even as I type this, Allison is in labor and we are preparing to go the hospital.  We'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

memorial day

Scott got to come home for four whole days in a row last weekend. We were so excited to spend uninterrupted time together, and we were honestly hoping CJ would come. But alas, I am still giant and pregnant. Our friend Mark has taken to calling me pregasaurus rex. :) Good thing I like him a lot and that he is deployed far away, or I might have to kick his butt for that one.

Over the weekend, we relaxed, looked at houses, and on Saturday we went to Atlanta. We went to a beautiful mall with a Mac store, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel and lots of other fun stores - VERY fun. And then we were off to a Braves game. It was such a fun day to get out and enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately the game was rained out after the seventh inning stretch, but we were already heading out of the park when they called it. The game started at 7, and since it takes two hours to get home we were ready to call it a day. Here are some pictures from the game...

Monday, May 11, 2009

37 weeks

I am now considered full term! :) I still feel great and Connor and I can still take our daily walks. My only complaint is that I am getting bored. There is only so much walking, TV watching and shopping one can do. Other than that, I can't complain.

Here's a picture of a few of Scott's favorite, the baby (CJ), the baby (Connor) and his Jeep. If there was only a guitar, a plate of cheese, bacon steak, and bread in the passenger seat, I think he would have everything he needed in life...

end of sewing (for now)...

I had to give up sewing. My belly still fits under the machine, but my back hurts because of how I have to bend over the machine. Before I quit, here are the last few things I was able to finish.