Sunday, December 26, 2010

the power of a name...

When we chose CJ's name, Scott knew he wanted to share his middle name with him. Therefore, the Christian. And we both love the story of King Josiah (2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35). I really wanted to call him Josiah, but I acquiesced to calling him CJ, because if he had been a girl, Scott wanted to just call her Camden. But he was willing to call her Camden Grace like I wanted. It was a good compromise that we were both ok with.

What I didn't realize then was how powerful a name was. It has been a joy to pray the meaning of CJ's name over him. Christian means Christ follower, and I pray Luke 2:52 over him; that he would grow in wisdom, and stature and favor with God and man, just as Jesus did. I pray that he will be wise and make wise choices, and that he will realize that wisdom is more precious than monetary things. I pray that he will grow as he should and be healthy. I pray he will find favor with God because he is a man after His heart. And I pray he would find favor with man, so that he can be a relevant witness among the people God puts in his life. I also pray that like his daddy, he will be loving, artistic, musical and most importantly, a Godly husband. I also pray that like King Josiah, he will be steadfast, that he will see Truth and quickly recognize and act upon it, and that he will do whatever he must to make sure God's Word is honored.

All these things are great to pray, but I'll be honest, they are really hard to shape in his character. I know I can't just pray for it and it happens... that's not how parenting works. One day when CJ was being stubborn, I had this realization that this was steadfastness working itself out... I just needed to be there to help mold it in the right direction. After that, I took to heart what I prayed even more. I can't just throw things out there to God, and not be willing to do my part.

So when it came to naming #2, we really wanted to give him a name that has as much meaning as CJ's has. We didn't just want it to sound cool or be trendy; We wanted a name that had power. So, #2 finally has a name... William Spencer.

And here is where it comes from. First, we value the influence of family in our kids lives. We firmly believe the more people that love on them and invest in them, the better. We shouldn't be the only ones that tell them we love them. We shouldn't be the only ones that tell them Jesus loves them. We shouldn't be the only ones they look to for advice. We want them to know their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. So both names are actually a family name.

William is from my maiden name Williams and it is German. It is a combination of will, meaning will or desire and helm, meaning helmet or protection. I pray that like my dad and his father, Will will be steadfast and resolute... just like his name means. I pray like them he would have a desire to take care of his family and like my dad that he would seek to make the lives of those around him richer. I also pray that he will be a protector of those who need it. I pray Isaiah 1:17 over him that he will learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and plead the widow's cause. Also that he would take up the helmet of salvation as he wars for the kingdom.

And Spencer... both Scott's dad and oldest brother are Andrew Spencer. We wanted to honor the type of men they are as well. I pray like them, that Will would love his children in the best way he knows how. I pray that he would sacrifice for them like they have done for their kids. Spencer's traditional meaning is also one who give out provisions, or a steward, which harkens back to the verse from Isaiah. I pray he would give generously and without thought. I pray he would be the first to take off his cloak and walk the extra mile. I pray he would have a heart that is soft to those in need, but is willing to fight for their cause.

I love my boys, even though I have only yet met one of them. And I can't wait to see how they grow with time. I am blessed beyond words to be CJ's mom. I know Will will make me feel the same way.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Thursday, December 23, 2010

we help daddy...

Did you ever read the Little Golden Book, We Help Daddy, when you were a kid? I still remember it. A little boy and girl help their daddy do all kinds of things around the house one Saturday. I don't think they print it anymore because I if I remember correctly, the mommy was inside cooking and cleaning, the daddy smoked a pipe while he washed the dog, and the little boy and girl definitely did traditionally gender specific tasks. None-the-less, I still love the book. The other night CJ and I had a "we help daddy" night.

Shhh! Don't tell CJ, but his granddad got him a big boy bed for Christmas! We found a great bunk bed at an all wood furniture store. It is perfect for two boys because it can be a bunk or two twins. And it is perfect for a military family because it is all wood. We learned that anything else will be destroyed in 1-2 PCS moves. The only for daddy. He already has it primed and has one good day of work left to finish painting it. We helped daddy one night while he was working on it...

And all was going well until CJ needed to dip his brush into the paint can just like daddy...

He didn't like that it made a mess...

All was well though. Mommy saved the day with some wet wipes and we were quickly back to "helping" daddy with his painting project.

Monday, December 20, 2010

CJ is a really great little guy, so sometimes we forget how truly awesome he is. Life is just more fun around him. The other morning I had one of those, "I should treasure this" moment because he is just so awesome.

First, we were playing in the living room. CJ ran into the kitchen and I heard him open a drawer, so I came into the kitchen to see what he was into. He had rummaged and found a nook. What's funny about this is that he hasn't slept with one at night for weeks, and he only gets it at nap time if he wakes up mid-nap and needs something to help settle himself down.

I knew he didn't "need" it, so I asked if he could put it back. He immediately popped it out and...

there you go. He even closed the drawer after putting it back. I think he just wanted to see what I would say when he did it. But he was proud of himself when I told him thank you for being a good listener and obeying.

Then I asked him if he could put the bucket on his head. (It's his Halloween bucket that he still enjoys putting stuff into and dumping it back out.)

Then he had an idea. Mommy needed to wear the bucket on her head. I love how funny he thought it was...

But the fun quickly wore off, and he wanted it back. :)

But not to wear, but to chew on. He's cutting both his top canines right now, so I can't really blame him.

Then all the bags and the bucket needed to be put into one bag. He did it all by himself...

After all that hard work, he wanted some milk. We have been working on him telling us what he wants and not just fussing or groaning and pointing. At first he just went to the fridge and did the "groan and point."

I asked him to please use his words, and I got a great, "MILK"

"PLEASE" If you sign with your kids, you can see that he still does the sign when he says please. I think it's adorable!

The milk was then added to the stash in the bag, and we headed back into the living room for more fun.

I know it's silly, but the moments I treasure the most are the everyday things. While the "big" things like seeing Santa are fun, I think the little moments are the best.

Friday, December 17, 2010

we'll call it a success...

So this isn't the best Santa picture ever taken, but it's not bad considering where we were a week ago...

And of course, as soon as the picture was taken, CJ warmed up to Santa even more. He even gave him a high-5. Stinker!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

things I don't handle well...

If we talk often, I probably told you my two irrational fears of what could have happened while Scott was deployed that I didn't know how I would cope with. (1) CJ picks up a bug, squishes it, and brings it to me. (2) CJ poops in the tub... definitely a two person job. I now have a third one to add to the list. (3) Connor eats a bird.

Yesterday afternoon, I put her in the yard while I put CJ down for a nap. When I went to let her back in, she was standing at our french doors looking in proudly with a bird in her mouth! It took everything within me not to scream, but since there was a sleeping baby in the house, I maintained my composure (somewhat). But my eyes must have almost popped out of my head from the sheer pressure of holding it in. I ran and found Scott, and thankfully my manly husband took care of it.

Turns out, we are pretty sure she didn't just pick up a dead bird. Based on the pile of feathers and lack of rigor mortis as it dangled limply from her mouth, we are pretty sure it was innocently foraging for food with its friends.

Here's the crime scene...

And I know you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but come on... she's got a feather still hanging from her mouth!

Not cool, not cool at all!

Monday, December 13, 2010

santa update...

Although we didn't get a picture today, we did make progress! Scott needed to get work done today, but CJ and I still went to the Exchange for some Santa-therapy. When CJ first saw him, he didn't cry, but he did hold on tight to my finger and walk as far away from Santa as my arm would stretch. After we shopped, we stood close to Santa, and CJ actually took a candy cane from him. Then after a little more shopping, Santa was rewarded for his hard work trying to get CJ to like him with a big smile and a wave bye bye. Makes a mama hopeful for a good picture later in the week when Scott can go with us!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Scott had Friday off work, so we thought taking CJ to see Santa would be a great idea. The Exchange on post has a GREAT Santa, and we thought avoiding the weekend lines was great planning. Unfortunately, we didn't take into account the unexplainable fears of an 18 month old.

We talked all morning about going to see Santa, and even though I knew CJ had no idea what I was talking about, I hoped it would help ease any fears he might have. Honestly, I expected him to march up to Santa, sit on his lap, wave hi at him, smile for a picture, and then wave bye bye at Santa as he happily walked away with his candy cane. He is such an easy going guy... he loves people and usually isn't scared in new situations. Santa threw him for a loop though.

CJ walked into the Exchange with no problem, but as soon as he saw Santa, his bottom lip started to stick out and quiver. We tried waving to Santa from a distance... nope. We tried walking closer to Santa... nope. The nice ladies tried to coax him closer with toys... nope. All we got was this...

Notice the white knuckles...

Monday we are going to try a family shot with Santa. I'll let you know how it goes...

Thursday, December 09, 2010

they'll promote anyone...

While the promotion from 2LT to 1 LT is really just a time in grade thing, CJ and I were still really proud to see Scott promoted earlier this week. It was fun too that Scott's good friend Andy was promoted at the same time.

Here is the Squadron Commander (SCO) saying nice things about both of the guys.

Then the SCO changed Andy's rank...

But my favorite part of the ceremony was when CJ changed Scott's rank. He did a perfect job of taking off his old rank and putting on his new one. It was precious.

Monday, December 06, 2010

bananas and bed head...

CJ has a new favorite food...bananas. He liked them when he was a baby, but I couldn't get him to eat them when I cut them up once he started eating "read food." Turns out, he just didn't like how mushy they were on his fingers. If you give him an entire banana, usually he'll eat the entire thing. The other morning he was just so cute eating with his bed head at breakfast...

Saturday, December 04, 2010


Scott and I have been talking a lot lately about how blessed we feel. We have friends and family who are going through MAJOR stuff, so this Thanksgiving, when Scott has a steady job, we have an amazing, healthy little boy, we have one more little one on the way who I know will also blow us away, we are madly in love, and we have a beautiful home with plenty of food in it, we can't help but step back and be thankful. Even in the hard times, God is good, but it is nice to have a moment to breathe, look around, and only be thankful.

In the days before Thanksgiving, I tried to do a few activities with CJ. I was originally going to use these handprints of CJ's to make the feathers on a pine cone turkey, but he wanted to play with them, and the math teacher in me saw a great sorting activity. I think three colors were overwhelming. Next time, when I actually do a sorting activity with him, I will also have colored paper to put the same colored object on. But for an impromptu activity after a messy breakfast (thus why the shirt covered with oatmeal has already been taken off!), it wasn't bad.

We started off ok...

but he really wanted them to all be in ONE pile, not three.

Then we made place cards for Thanksgiving lunch. He loves stamping his hand. He knows just what to do now, and it is so nice not to have to fight his little fingers apart!

We also painted pine cones we collected from our yard. Like I said earlier, my original intent was to make turkeys, but we nixed that, and just had fun with some paint...

And after the fun of the pine cone wore off, we just painted. CJ is doing so much better at getting the paint on the paper as opposed to all over himself and in his mouth. He's such a quick learner.

I totally regret I didn't get ONE picture of actual Thanksgiving day! I can't believe it. We had a great time. Three of our friends Scott works with who didn't have family in town came over as well as Granddad and Grandpa Dick. CJ went to sleep with just me and Scott in the house, and woke up to a full house. He was a little overwhelmed at first, but quickly warmed up to all the guys. We had a yummy dinner. Scott hates turkey, so I made sausage stuffing and covered it with bacon, and he at least ate a little. :) We had way too much food, and to stay off a food coma after lunch, Grandpa Dick took CJ for a stroller ride, Granddad helped me clean up the kitchen, and Scott, Ryan, Jason and Lawrence put up Christmas lights. It was a nice day, and we were glad to have family and friends with us.

The next day, CJ wanted to take Granddad and Grandpa Dick to his favorite park. Oh what fun we had!!!

First Grandpa Dick got dragged around the jungle gym by his finger...

Then Daddy convinced CJ to slide. Last time we went to the park he really wanted to slide, but for some reason he was scared before he did it. This time it only took one slide before he realized it was GREAT fun...

And then he was ready to do it all by himself!

He even got brave enough to do the big twisty slide. The one he started out on was not sufficient after one trip down the super cool and fun twisty slide. He would come down laughing and smiling and sign and say "mo, mo, mo" as he ran back to the stairs for more sliding.

We also had a breakthrough. CJ actually enjoyed swinging. From birth he would last less than three seconds in anything that swings. I think he sat in his infant swing for a total of 2 minutes, and every time we go to the park we try swinging and tears and screaming for mommy quickly follow. But check out this happy little swinging guy...

Then we got to pet a dog and make a new friend...

who thankfully took a picture of all five (six if you count baby) of us.

We had a great long weekend!