Friday, May 20, 2011

lucky mama

Some days are hard... I'll be the first to confess I am not super-mom. I get frustrated. I get overwhelmed. And a lot of times, I am just plain tired. But these two make it all worth it.

Check out this dirty little boy face. I love it. And I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it is amazing how something so little and cute stink so bad after working outside with daddy.

When I first went outside it was with the intention of taking pictures of this guy, so the ones of CJ were a total bonus. Will is growing so fast. I love when he does something new, but I also hate it because it makes him a little less of a baby.

He looooves his feet these days. Whenever he lays down, he immediately throws them up and tries to eat them. It's definitely cheaper than toys!

And this picture will definitely be on his dorm room wall at Baylor. :)

The one thing about Will that remains unchanged though is his smile. He is such a happy baby. In fact, the company who monitors our security system just came by to test it, and both techs commented on how happy and cute he was. They were so busy talking to him and making him laugh, they kept getting distracted.

And here is why we lost CJ during the photo shoot and also why his face was so grimy. He was helping daddy move dirt and plant a little grass seed on some bare spots in the back yard. I love how he loves his daddy and wants to do exactly what he is doing. Sure, when he falls down, he wants me to hug him, and at night, he wants me to put him to bed. But during the day, if he could, he would play guitar with daddy, mow with daddy, move the water with daddy, go to work with daddy... anything his daddy does he wants to do. And these are all things that he asks to do on a daily basis. The other day, he got on his truck and said, "by mommy. go work daddy. truck." Translated, "I'm getting on my truck and going to work with daddy, just like he does."

Monday, May 16, 2011

a sneak peak...

Last week we met Anna Grace at a cute little farm house and took some pictures for the invitation for their birthday party. Those I'll share later, but here are some I took of CJ while we waited for her to arrive...

Love his face as he sees the donkey. It was braying and he didn't know if he should laugh, cry or run away. He bravely got closer and closer.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

mother's day...

I'm practical to a fault. When I'm at the store, I walk around with my purchase, and usually by the time I'm ready to check out, I've talked myself out of buying whatever it was. It is usually because we don't "need" it or I realize I have another way to solve some organization problem that is free.

While it's good in some ways, it is also frustrating for Scott because it makes me hard to shop for. He feels like I don't really like what he gets me because I feel like it is wasteful. Although he is a really good gift giver. He wasn't always that way, but over the years he has developed the gift of listening and remembering when I mention something I would like. I'm amazed that he remembers some thing that I have even forgotten about. And honestly, the listening and remembering is what makes me the happiest.

The Friday before Mother's Day we were car shopping (more on that in another post), and since we were serious about looking, we hired a babysitter. For those who know me well, you know I don't leave my kids with just anyone, so we were on a mission. While we were out, Scott looked over at me and said something like... "I know that whatever I get you for Mother's Day you won't like because you will think I shouldn't spend money on it or that it won't be right. So I decided to get you door knobs. Since we have a babysitter, we can go to Lowes and pick them out, and I will install them this weekend." Be still my heart prince charming!

If you've been to our house, do you remember that our door were a little sticky? Weird right? Well, the previous owners spray painted them. If you saw Sabrina Soto do this on HGTV, it's fine if you are selling a house, but if you plan on living in it, don't try it. Scott knows it bothers me and so that was my present. LOVE IT! He had some good help with the installation too...

Thursday, May 05, 2011

ma bed...

CJ says mommy really well now, but when he tries to say two words at a time sometimes they get muddled. Recently he has been asking to "seep ma bed," or sleep in mommy's bed. I'm not really sure where that came from because he has never slept in our bed. At first it was cute, but then when he did climb in bed with us early one morning, it wasn't so cute... he tosses, turns, head butts you, pushes little toes into your side.

We went to Florida last weekend for a wedding, and after it, Scott took me out on a date. While we were gone Nannie and Papa watched the boys, and here is what they found. I think CJ was trying to get into "ma bed" but couldn't get the door open. Poor little guy...

Monday, May 02, 2011

more cj funnies...

Life with these two is a blast! I treasure my days at home with them. Yeah, when CJ isn't being a good listener and obeyer (is that a word?), I get frustrated. And sure, when Will spits up on me and I have to change my shirt four times a day I dread the laundry. But would I rather them spend their days with anyone else... NO WAY!! I know how precious and fleeting these days are.

And even when I've had to put CJ in time out three times in a row or Will pulls a giant chunk out of my hair, it's only a short time until something like this happens. As our good friend Mark says, "it'll all buff out..." These are from my phone, so excuse the quality!

I've mentioned that CJ doesn't like having his picture taken. I was working on getting his winter clothes put away when he decided he wanted to wear his jacket. He was a hoot trying to zip it up and I tried to take his picture. Here's what I got as he ran away from me and the camera...

Most mornings CJ wakes up everybody in the house, including Will. This was one of the rare mornings when Will got to sleep. I loved reading with him and he really enjoyed reading to George. Notice that George is reading a Curious George book...

CJ loves to build with his blocks. His two favorite things are to stack them and then knock them down or to build a chair for him and Will. He did this totally by himself...

George is CJ's new buddy, and he loves to push him around the house in his dump truck...

Do you think he enjoyed the chocolate chip waffles at Waffle House?

"Bang! Bang!" is one of CJ's favorite games. Last time we were in Florida, this was a present from Uncle Buddy and Aunt Balenda. He's good about following the rules (usually) and just banging the floor.

He can put these shoes on all by himself! When did he get so big?

I was trying to get some things done while Will was taking his morning nap. I was in the kitchen, and I'll confess since CJ was being quiet in the laundry room, I chose to let him occupy himself with whatever he was doing. After a long silence I decided I needed to see what was going on. Here is what I found...

I love that CJ likes to share. He has four trucks. The red one is Will's, the blue one is daddy's, the green one is mine and the orange on is CJ's... totally by his own doing. He also always makes sure we have dishes when he plays with them.

Will likes the spoon...

but sometimes has trouble getting it in his mouth...

And here is CJ "fixing" the door. He even says, "fix," as he's working.