There is a "West Wing" episode in which a group of kids lobbies the White House in an attempt to get the voting age abolished so that children would have the right to vote. Among several other relatively sound arguments they make the point that adults are not required to prove any sort of mental competency to vote. Essentially, all you have to do is be 18+, a citizen, and registered and you can vote for whomever you wish based on whatever criteria you decide.
The other day, a young girl at Baskin Robins brought up the election. She told me she voted for Obama. When I asked why, her response was that she thinks Obama will make it so that she can get free birth control. Seriously. Her only criteria for selecting a president was who would provide her with free contraception. If you are so promiscuous that you can't even be bothered with providing your own birth control, or at the very least a condom, and that is your sole criteria for choosing a president, then we as a country might need to re-look our priorities.
The argument could be made that Obama won because McCain didn't have enough support. I would say that Obama won because his support was too overwhelming. While I'm sure a lot of Obama supporters agree wholeheartedly with him and his ideals and would have voted for him no matter what, I believe a lot of people who voted for him might have been duped.
I don't want to call them stupid, or even uninformed , I think they have been misinformed. Through no fault of their own, I think a large number of people were mislead by the media. I've never been a big fan of the media, but I will save my rants about them for another time. Take a look at this website and see what you think. I know that polls are flawed and this one certainly doesn't represent every single Obama voter. I think this one does raise some interesting questions, though.