Yesterday our friends were in a Christmas musical, so I volunteered to watch their three kids. Kariss is in second grade, Breck is 4 and William is 2. They are GREAT kids, and I had a lot of fun with them.
After the day, my observation to Scott was, "Girl's toys have a lot more little parts than boy's do. Girl's toys have shoes, clothes, and little sparkley things, but boy's toys are things like guns, swords and trucks...all one big thing." To that Scott countered, "Well, I noticed that girls really like to talk and boys like to hit you." While I was making dinner, Scott joined us. Kariss immediately took a liking to him and started chatting at him. While she was talking, William came over and started jumping on Scott and then torpedoed his entire body into Scott's face. Breck thought this looked like great fun and immediately joined in the pummel Scott game. I didn't see all this, but it was REALLY funny to listen to!
But the best observation of the day came from Kariss. She looked at Scott, and with complete seriousness said, "You are just a big toy." She is wise beyond her years!