Thursday, January 15, 2009

WARNING: Spoiler Alert!

If you don't want to know if Sprout is a boy or a girl, then do not proceed any further.  If you do, scroll down to see more!

Why are we wearing blue you ask...because Spout is a BOY!!  And why am I wearing a Baylor T-shirt...because where else would he go??

We are going to name him Christian Josiah and call him CJ.  Christian is Scott's middle name and we both really like the story of King Josiah from the Old Testament.  If you want to read it, his life is chronicled in 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35.

We packed our scanner last week, so we have to find a friend's scanner to upload the ultrasound pictures.  The radiology technician said CJ was very "well endowed."  That of course made his dad proud.  = )  Also, it seems he might have Scott's ears.  We'll hope he grows into them.