Can you floss your teeth? Don't take it for granted!
I haven't been able to cram a piece of floss between my teeth for over 20 years, so today when I tried to floss my teeth and was able to do it easily, I was super excited. Scott and I have both been doing Invisalign for the past 8 months or so, and we have been very impressed. Scott used to have a gap between his front teeth he could have flossed with a piece of's totally closed now. And my teeth were all crowding forward and moving some teeth forward and some backwards. Both of us are really impressed with the results. If you've ever thought about it...DO IT! And if you live in Japan, I have an awesome orthodontist I can recommend to you.
Scott is about 6 weeks from finishing and I am about 3 months from finishing. We'll post pictures when we have straight, pretty teeth. I just wanted to share the good news about flossing for now...