Tuesday, October 06, 2009

four months...

Could it be that I have a four month old!?! I can't believe how fast the time is flying and how much he is changing. This month CJ had his first airplane ride, watched his first real TV (but not too much and not any for a long time), rolled from his tummy to his back, started to grab for things, realized his name is CJ, learned to stick his tongue out and wiggle it all around, learned to put anything and everything in his mouth, and so many more things! I look back at pictures and I realize how much he has grown. He is sweeter every day.

The last few days we have been traveling to Arizona to spend time with Scott while he is in his last class. CJ has been a GREAT traveler and we can't wait to see daddy. He hasn't seen him in over a month and he's not going to believe how big this little man is.

The outfit in the picture above is one my mom made for him to wear to Scott's OCS graduation. It was waaay to big for him at 3 days old, but he looks adorable in it now. She makes such amazing things for him.