Tuesday, November 09, 2010

beautiful days...

With the exception of last week, the weather in Georgia has been fabulous! CJ has loved playing outside, and I admit, I don't mind either. Usually in the afternoon, he walks over to the gate, says, "Go, go" rubs his belly (the sign for please), and points at the back door. And usually, we do go, go.

We have taken walks with the stroller, walked just the two of us, collected treasures in bags, and just played. Sunday afternoon, this is what we ended up with...

It was a little tricky to get him to put the things on the plate, but he got the idea pretty quickly. If you want to do this with your little one, here are a few pointers:
  1. Put a lot of glue all over the plate first. If you try to glue as you go, it would be a pain.
  2. No matter how much they beg, unless they are much older than CJ and aren't tempted to put their fingers in the glue, hold the plate for your little one. I let CJ hold it and he got glue all over his fingers which then got covered in dirt and made a paste that took some scrubbing to get off.
  3. Let them decide what to pick up. It is hard...espcially if you are a control freak like me, but it is fun to see what interests them.