About two months ago I hit the, "I'm tired of my clothes not fitting and I'm finally getting enough sleep to get serious about changing it" stage.
Having babies is wonderful in so many ways. One of those ways is not what happens to your body.
Motivated, I dusted off the Insanity workout series. The name does it justice. A month in I started to notice all these little blue things on our floors and all over the garage. I though Scott was working on some crazy project, but one day I realized this was happening...
This is what happened after one day's workout. Crazy! The mat had been used maybe 10 times when I started.
Like the mat, I too have seen better days. After 4 weeks, I was doing great/feeling great. Week 5 my foot started to hurt, and the dreaded limp set in. Week 6 I could no longer deny it; I had another stress fracture. It's the second one since I've had Will. Uncool. Looks like it's low impact from here on out for me. Sigh and sniff, sniff...
The upside is that I lost 10 pounds and maybe half my closet fits now. It's been a few weeks, and I'm giving myself one more week of rest before I hit the gym and the arc trainer again. My goal is to have the rest of the baby weight gone by the time Will is one... that only gives me a little more than two months. Yikes, I gotta get me rear in gear!