Monday, December 12, 2011

whatever works...

If you've ever met Will, or read this blog, you know Will is hands down the happiest baby ever. Friends say it. Neighbors say it. His teachers at church say it. Strangers in the grocery store say it.

Sooooo, when he gets upset, I confess I don't really know what to do. CJ was a little (maybe a lot) cranky, and I could calm him down easily. But when Will gets upset, I feel incompetent. The other day he woke up too early from his nap and was inconsolable. All I could come up with was to stick this bowl to his head to distract him. He thought it was hilarious. I felt like a horrible mom, but he loved it...

And when it would fall off, he would try to put it back on...

They are also really good for chewing on...

CJ, unwilling to be left out of the fun, also wanted a bowl stuck to his head...

And when it would fall off, he would say, "Peas put it back up dere mommy," with this sweet smile. How could I say no?