Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Sometimes I think it would just be easier if things in life (read: job) were more defined. Don't get me wrong. I like the abstract, but somedays I think it would be nice to have someone say "fix this car" or "flip that burger" or even "clean that urinal". The types of jobs that are accompanied by those directives are important, but at the end of the day, they're done. You don't have to go home thinking, "I didn't flip that one last burger, so how is that going to affect the mission tomorrow." Nor do you have to worry about coming up with your own plan or schedule. It's all defined for you. The boss said that the bathroom's dirty, so you go clean it. Easy enough. I'm not saying that I'm gonna quit my day job and go find work someplace where I take direct orders and accomplish simple, or at the very least to-the-point, tasks. But sometimes I do think it would be nice...