If you couldn't tell from the pictures, the beach was a HUGE hit the first day. This made both Scott and me very happy, because we are definitely beach sort of people. Since CJ had so much fun the first day, we couldn't wait to get the little guy back on the third day. He was feeling a little under the weather Friday morning, but we thought the beach would do the trick to make him feel better. These next two pictures are the only ones we took where he remotely happy. It was a little cool and he just wasn't into it.
Every time we put him down, this happened...
So mom and dad carried him and we took a long walk. As long as he was getting snuggles, he was 100% ok. We stayed for a little while, but decided to do something fun for CJ that afternoon so he could get in some good play time. A local recommended we go to a nearby park. It was a huge hit. CJ got to practice his new climbing skills...
Went down a slide for the first time with his daddy...
And absolutely loved this wobbly walker thing.
Swinging is still not a big hit, but as long as daddy didn't go too high, CJ tolerated it.
And he did lots of exploring. It was a great park. And a GREAT afternoon.