Tuesday, February 09, 2010

life's about to change...

When I set these pictures to load earlier today, I though I would write a post about how much CJ loves standing and how I was 100% positive that he would skip crawling and move straight to walking. But we had a breakthrough today. Something clicked this morning and he got the left hand/right leg and right hand/left leg moves down so-so. We weren't ready to call it crawling yet, but by this evening he was flying across the floor. Early today, he would take a few crawls and then rest, but by tonight he could move easily across the entire living room.

It is totally amazing to me how much changes in a day. I am so blessed to be able to stay home with my little man and see it all. And it has been such a blessing that Scott has been home so much as well. I am one thankful mama.

We took these pictures about a week ago. Earlier this month CJ started to hold on when we would stand him by the ottoman, and he was quickly crusing back and forth down it. For my little dare devil, it was only a matter of time before he was turning around and letting go. He is a very steady "stander" now. At first he could only last a few seconds, but now he can easily stand for a minute or more and has even tried to take a few steps. I think the reason it took him so long to crawl is that he wanted to walk so bad.

So without further ado, here is my standing man...

Taking a rest after a lot of standing practice...

And my favorite little boy and favorite big boy smiling at me. What more could a girl ask for?