Saturday, January 15, 2011

better late than never...

I'll confess, I was a little behind blogging before Will was born, and there are some CJ pictures/stories I wanted to catch up on.

First, CJ has a new favorite place to play. Since it has been so rainy and cold, we've abandoned the park for... don't judge me... McDonald's. You know all those things you think you'll never do before you have kids that you totally have to eat crow when they come and you end up doing? We'll, hanging out at McDonald's was one of those things I wanted to put off for as long as possible. But CJ loves it. When we get in the parking lot, he says, "PLAY!" And it gets better because we meet Anna Grace there to play, and they have so much fun. Basically the adults all sit at a table and let the kids run around for hours.

Isn't she cute???

They love crawling in the tunnels...

And CJ even figured out how to get himself down the slide all by himself.

It makes for a really fun afternoon for kiddos, mommies and daddies. I feel so blessed that CJ and Anna Grace have so much fun together. And even more so because Anna Grace has a baby brother too. He is about 6 weeks older than Will, so I know they have lots of fun play dates in their future as well.

And onto CJ funnies...
(1) CJ has a new fascination with Scott's sneakers. Huh-freaking-larious to see him walking around like this...

(2) In another eating crow moment over an, "I'll never do that with my kids" statement, I let CJ have fruit loops. Granted they were a treat after he ate a good lunch with no complaining, but I still felt guilty for giving him the sugary goodness instead of iron fortified, fiber rich, grainy healthy stuff. In an effort to assuage my guilt, we did a sorting activity with them...

(3) CJ has a new fun trick Scott taught him. In Scott's defense, he first asked CJ to open his mouth to make sure he was actually swallowing his chicken during one of our epic fights to get him to eat something that isn't fruit or a carb. But CJ decided that showing us what he was eating was a fun game. Notice the left over muffin crumbs...

And pears...

I have a few more catch ups, so stay tuned...