Tuesday, June 30, 2009

i love my super cool stroller...

This morning mommy, Connor and I went for a walk. I LOVE my stroller. When I got for a ride, I love to look around...especially at what crazy Connor is doing. Even when I feel a little fussy, the stroller is just about as good as my bouncy seat to make me happy. My stroller is extra cool because it is modeled after an airplane. The guy who designed my stroller designed airplanes as his first job, and this is a special edition for him. And check out the cool camo seat cover it came with. But in case I ever get a little sister the other side is a girly print...but I think it is yucky because girls have cooties...except for mommy.

just the two of us...

Yesterday was Scott's first day back at work, and I confess I was dreading it a little. He assumed he would go in the morning and then be released no later than lunch time to come home. That I was OK with. But, you know what happens when you assume. He ended up having to split a 24 hour duty with another guy. He left about 7:00 for work and didn't come home until about 9:30 yesterday evening. At first, I wanted to cry when he told me he would be gone for that long, but then I put on my big girl panties and dealt with it. And we did great! CJ got a bath, I got a bath, we both ate when we were hungry, I did 3 loads of laundry to include putting them away and we even made sure to have time for tummy time and lots of other playing and being silly. I was very proud of the two of us. Not that we don't love having daddy home, but I think the two of us are going to be OK. :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

so sleepy...

Friday, June 19, 2009

hanging out with dad

Sunday, June 14, 2009

friends :)

We had a nice treat this weekend - Ted and Mily came for a quick visit. Connor was soooo excited to see them both, and they gave her lots of love she has been missing out on lately. Of course, they gave CJ lots of love too. Come back soon to see us!

dad is mom's hero

Dad is mom's hero for many reasons, but this week he put batteries in the bouncy seat. CJ loves to suck on anything you put in his mouth...fingers, pacifier, burp cloth. I didn't want to give him a pacifier because it can make breastfeeding hard for babies. But, I gave in while all our company was here and I let him have a pacifier so that he wouldn't cry when he was getting sleepy. And unfortunately, it made breastfeeding not fun for a few days. We took it away, but he was NOT happy. Thus the bouncy seat. Seems the only thing the kiddo likes more than a pacifier when he is sleepy is the vibrating chair. You can see his whole body relax when he gets in it. Too cute.  Thanks daddy!

some cute shots from week two...

Dad really scrubs hard! 

I liked the swing for about 10 seconds, and then I was done with it. I am glad mommy was there to rescue me. I'll try it again in a few days.

Darn my fingers. I get them in my mouth, but then they keep falling out.

Life is soooo hard!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

busy week at the hetzels...

Just in case you are wondering, no, I have not been in labor this whole time. But after 60 hours of labor, it sure felt like a week! (Read below for more on that.) New mama needed a week to recover before updating the blog, so sorry for the delay for those of you who have been asking.

This past week, we had a baby, Scott was promoted to 2LT, we had 12 guests in for graduation, and we bought a house. And you though you were busy! There are updates below, and now that life is changing to a new kind of normal, I will be better about showing off the little angel for those who have been asking for pictures.

We appreciate all the prayers and good wishes. Love you friends and family!

CJ's birth and stats

Feel free to skip this first part if it is too much information for you...

After the last post we went to the hospital a second time in the wee hours of Sunday morning. I was having what I thought were really long contractions...like 7-15 minutes long, and we were concerned about the baby. Off the to hospital we went, and it turns out I was starting to get dehydrated and it was causing my contractions to come right on top of each other. What I thought was one long contraction was actually two, sometimes three in a row. I asked them to let me come home (they thought I was crazy), because I still was just starting to dilate. At the hospital they made me stay on a monitor and lay flat in the bed...really uncomfortable. 

After laboring all day Sunday, finally about 1:00 am on Monday morning, I felt like I was ready to go on to the hospital. The third time was the charm, and we didn't have to come back home again. By this point I had been in continuous labor for over 60 hours and I was pooped out from only sleeping between contractions, but so ready to see the little one. I can only imagine what the whole experience was like for him. It is probably good babies can't remember and God hard-wired our bodies to produce chemicals that make women love their babies, or else no one would do this have a baby thing.

Once we got to the hospital, the nurse checked me and I was already 4-5 cm dilated. YEAH PROGRESS, I thought. But after she checked me I started bleeding pretty heavily. It turns out I was having a placental abruption, which is where the placenta separates from the uterus before the baby is born. That means that the baby can't get oxygen, and it is pretty serious. But, because of God's grace we got to the hospital right as it was starting and there was never a time they were really worried about CJ. His heart rate stayed strong through it all so we both felt peace when I had to have a c-section. The hospital staff was awesome at explaining exactly what was happening and they moved quickly to make sure CJ was never in danger. The only complication is that when we arrived at the hospital they were actually doing another emergency c-section in the main operating room, and I had to go to the secondary room. It was a busy night in labor and delivery!

CJ was finally born at 3:08 am on 1 June 2009. He weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. While we were in the hospital he lost about a pound, but the little porker has already gained it all back. They usually gain about an ounce a day, but this little guy, gained about 2.5 a day.

After it all, I would do it again. Isn't this face worth it all...

the cutest baby that was ever born...

Day one

Coming home from the hospital

Bath time

At daddy's graduation

2LT Scott Hetzel

I am so proud of Scott. Last Thursday, he was promoted to a Second Lieutenant. He was also an honor graduate. 

Most of his family came up for the ceremony, so we had a full house (but they slept at a hotel). We got home from the hospital about 5:30 on Wednesday night, and his family was at the house by 6:00. It was hectic and crazy, but I am SO glad they got to be here for the graduation and to spend time with CJ. Last week I barely got to hold him other than at feedings because there was always someone willing to hold him. Kayley said his skin felt like clouds...so cute!

But, I digress, back to Scott. His ceremony was very nice and after it the first salute he returned was to his brother. The second was to his dad. It was such an honor that they were here to do that for him.

OUR house...

Scott has been such a trooper this week trying to find us a house. A few weeks ago, we found a house we really liked, made a more-than-reasonable offer and thought we were golden. The people in the house said they really wanted and needed to sell it, but they just weren't ready. Our realtor is actually their realtor as well, and he even told us to walk away from them because they were being ridiculous. 

So, once we got home from the hospital, Scott hit it into high gear. He looked online and found about 20 houses we hadn't looked at and set about weeding them out. Yesterday, he went out and looked at them, and came home with a winner. I went to see it this morning and before I went outside or saw any of the bedrooms I was ready to make an offer on it as well. It is absolutely perfect, and now we are so thankful the first house fell through.

We'll post more pictures as we move in, but for now, here are a few.  Now if you want to come visit, we will actually have a place for you to stay with us. So come one, come all...