Wednesday, December 07, 2011

perfect fall day...

It had been wayyy too long since these two have seen each other. Anna Grace's mama and I purposefully put these two in different schools so they would get a little time apart. The downside though has been that the only day they both have off school is Fridays, and with all the traveling we have been doing, we have missed our sweet friends. 

We went the Farmhouse to celebrate Ezra turning one (don't talk to much about that though because it means Will is almost one too, and that's not ok with me), and had lots of fun on a perfect fall day. CJ got to run around and be crazy, there was pumpkin painting, games with candy, and lots of good conversation.

CJ requested to eat his cupcake here. He said, "My want eat up dere all by myself."

I don't think he would have let anyone else up there except one special little girl. And he even shared his cupcake with her.

Will wanted to get down soooo bad, but the ground was too cold and damp for him to crawl around on. He was a trooper, and I think he had fun too...