Saturday, December 03, 2011

pick up poop...

Oh my great goodness, I can't believe I forgot to post these this summer. 

Granddad and Grandpa Dick were here for Thanksgiving and were more than happy to play outside with the boys. CJ diligently ran around the yard pointing out all of Connor's poop for them. And that made us remember to tell them this story...

When Scott mows the grass, CJ is a great helper. Before they start, they always pick up the dog poop. CJ holds the bag, Scott dons a super thick rubber glove, and they are a great team. One day, Scott asked CJ what they needed to do before they mowed. CJ said, "Pick up poop." He ran to the back yard, and Scott went to get a bag and his glove from the garage. When Scott got to the backyard, here's what he found. He was laughing so hard I heard him inside over the shower...

CJ was so proud he did it all by himself.